In the beginning of 20th century, there is a great theoretical physicist, Albert Einstein, reveal the theory of relativity. He thought even the time was not absolute. That really made everyone shocked in that time and changed our life further. In China, there is one philosopher, Lao-Tzu¸ who also taught us much life philosophy such as Pride hurts and modesty benefits.
In the modern time, we often expand the application of the theory of relativity to many regions. Take my latest feeling for example, through several cool days, last weekend became so warm that I can feel deeply. If the weather is all the same, I cannot realize how it’s so warm at last weekend.
In our real life, we may be dejected and all the glory leaves us away. However, there is still many people show their good will to us. You would be much more touch about it. No matter how the hard situation is, all we can do is just face it bravely and do what we should do. We should live our life seriously every day. After all, present is God’s best present.
As long as we see at the bright side, there is always better policy for any hard situation.